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Keeping your mental health healthy as a Lawyer

01/08/2024 8:30 AM | Lara-Jane Mackie (Administrator)

Every day as Lawyers we engage in conflict and for this reason it is important that we continue to monitor not only our mental health, but those of our colleagues.

Lawyers are more prone to poor mental health and burnout than many other industries because of the stressors and pressures associated with the work we undertake together with the long hours and tight deadlines.

Often as Lawyers, we take on our client’s matters, consuming ourselves with exceeding expectations, but forget to take care of our own mental health. It is important to be aware of the signs of trauma so that we can identify it in ourselves and our colleagues early on to avoid burnout and poor mental health. Some of the signs to look out for are as follows:

(a)        Being unable to ‘switch off’ from work;
(b)        Feelings of doom and gloom when you think about work;
(c)        Questioning your own skills and competence; and
(d)        Being detached and insensitive to client’s needs.

If you or one of your colleagues are experiencing any of the above signs, it is important to enlist professional help early. Some coping strategies for someone experiencing poor mental health or burnout are as follows:

(e)        Speaking with a professional at an early stage;
(f)         Talking to your colleagues to de-brief about matters that are concerning you;
(g)        Speaking with you Firm to assist with managing your workload if you are struggling;
(h)        Carefully managing boundaries between your work and home life so that you have a place of rest;
(i)          Taking frequent breaks (even if it is simply a weekend away);
(j)          Engaging in regular exercise and well-being activities;
(k)         Eating a well balanced diet;
(l)          Ensuring you get a good night’s sleep.

The GCDLA is focused on assisting Lawyers to manage their mental health and well-being by hosting various events such as Yoga which was held at the end of May 2024 and Wellness by the Water, which is coming up in October 2024. We also have a mentoring program which allows junior Lawyers to be supported by more senior Lawyers, so that they can seek assistance if they are struggling in any way.

Author: Ailsa Day

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