In December 2024, Queensland Parliament passed legislative amendments which will allow juveniles to be sentenced as adults for multiple serious crimes including murder, manslaughter and burglary[1]. It is hoped that by passing these amendments it will reduce youth crime by implementing an ‘adult crime, adult time’ strategy[2].
These amendments seek to target ages 10 to 17 and enable the Court to consider a youth offender’s full criminal history at sentencing[3]. There is heavy consideration of whether these amendments will reduce or increase youth crime. However, the Liberal National Party is confident that these changes will reduce youth crime and that once the amendments have been implemented that there should be an evidence decrease in youth crime[4]. To support this legislation Queensland’s Human Rights Act 2019 will need to be overridden to allow all of these changes[5].
The Liberal National Party has expressed a willingness to strengthen the laws further if required[6]; however, these changes are the first step in discouraging youth offenders.
The serious offences include[7]:
[1] Rachel Stewart and Sarah Richards, ‘Tough youth justice law changes pass Queensland parliament, which will see juveniles sentenced as adults’, ABC NEWS (Web Page, 12 December 2024) <>.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
Effective from 26 May 2025, coercive control will be recognised by Queensland as a criminal offence.[1] Therefore, abusive behaviour by adults to a current or former spouse, family member or unpaid carer with the intention to control or coerce will be illegal.[2]
The criminal offence will aim to capture evidence including patterns of physical and/or non-physical abuse which is used to hurt, isolate, frighten, humiliate or threaten.[3] The maximum penalty to be imposed under this amendment is 14 years imprisonment; thereby, recognising the significant harm that may be caused and nature of the offence.[4]
The purpose of the amendment is to criminalise specific conduct by adults (referring to individuals over the age of 18 years) where:
[1] ‘Coercive control laws’, Queensland Government (Web Page, 16 December 2024) <,Changes%20to%20the%20law,to%20control%20or%20coerce%20them.>.
Property held by insolvent company brief summary as per Re PBS Building (Qld) Pty Ltd.[1]
In Carter Holt Harvey Woodproducts Australia Pty Ltd v Commonwealth (‘Carter Holt’) it was held that a property on trust by an insolvent company or individual would be normally excluded from the division between creditors.[2] A primary purpose of the liquidator was to have regard to ‘the benefit of the personal estate of the bankrupt or insolvent person’.[3] Notably, the Court has acknowledged that the trustee may benefit personally from a trust under the right of exoneration.[4] Based on the Australian Securities and Investment Commission v Marco (No 9) case,[5] the applicant in Re PBS Building (Qld) Pty Ltd expressed that a ‘stand-alone right of entitlement’ is not limited under the Corporations Act in regards to property exceptions and may under the IPS extend to trust assets.[6] This proposition was rejected due to the proposed construction was not supported in the BIF Act and the terms in the BIF Act strictly denies administrators or liquidators the right of exoneration.[7]
[1] Re PBS Building (Qld) Pty Ltd [2024] QSC 108 (‘PBS Building’).
[2] Ibid [49]; (2019) 268 CLR 524 (‘Carter Holt’).
[3] Carter Holt [27] per Kiefel CJ, Keane and Edelman JJ.
[4] Ibid [28].
[5] (2021) 399 ALR 735.
[6] PBS Building (no 1) [49].
[7] Ibid [50, 51].
Writing email correspondence and communicating with FCFCOA officers can become confusing as it can feel like it is ‘everchanging’. I did not even realise that I had made a mistake until GCDLA committee member Guy told me. Guy further told me that this is a mistake that even well-versed lawyer’s struggle with, which can result in error in correspondence in emails and in the court room.
There are 5 types of FCFCOA judicial officers, and this list can be used as a guide to double check correspondence or as a refresher before heading to Court.
If you are unsure whether you are addressing an individual correctly ask your colleagues and if you are told about a mistake you have made, take it with grace. The only way you will know if a mistake has been made is if you have been told and what better way is there to improve?
What are some other common errors that new practitioners and veteran lawyers make? Email and let us know.
Author: Lara-Jane Mackie
To succeed in law school is not shown only in a reflection of good grades. All students want to do well yet the truth is law school for the most part will only teach you the theory and basics; however, there are many other attributes and opportunities available to students to aid their success:
Terri Mottershead presented at the 2024 QLS GCDLA Symposium with a topic called : AI in legal practice – the challenges, opportunities and everything in between!
These are my thoughts and takeaways from Terri’s presentation.
Top thoughts about AI
It is less about what you know and more about how you apply it.
Be Aware
The Challenge
We are charged by our ethical rules and our fiduciary duties to act in our client’s best interests. We are their advocates, and they are our bread and butter.
But it is not client advocacy at all costs, is it?
We’ve all come across someone who takes every point, fights every suggestion and never concedes an inch. We’ve also all seen what that does to our client’s invoices.
The reality is what is in the best interests for our clients is the efficient resolution of the real issues in dispute. It keeps costs down; it lets people move on emotionally and it focuses on the areas that will deliver maximum value to our clients.
We are also charged by our ethical rules to be honest and courteous in all of our dealings and, in a lesser-known rule (rule 34 ASCR), to avoid tactics that are primarily designed to frustrate or embarrass another person (including another solicitor).
Less than courteous dealings take innumerably varied forms in terms of tone, actions and words used.
The Court Legal Profession Complaints Committee v in de Braekt [2013] WASC 124 found that the solicitor’s tone in communicating with prosecutors formed part of a series of incidents that warranted their name from being removed from the roll of lawyers.
LSJ Media, the online journal of the NSW Law Society, published an article in 2022 discouraging describing our colleagues as disingenuous, mischievous, egregious, misleading, specious, inept (or demonstrating ineptitude).
Hearsay published an article in 2023 commenting that swamping an opponent with numerous letters or emails without a valid reason may, itself, constitute discourteous behaviour. Swamping a colleague with phone calls necessarily falls into the same category. Depending on the content of the communications, the need for repeated (and perhaps unanswered) communications in short succession and the surrounding context, such communications may be considered conduct primarily designed to frustrate another person (contrary to rule 34).
A properly organised solicitor is, the majority of the time, likely to need to send only one unanswered communication (excluding well-spaced follow-ups) insofar as a single matter or topic is concerned which usually does not need a response for several days (allowing for all practitioners having various demands on their time).
Whilst the value of courteous and civil communication has been extolled previously, the simplest expression may be “you catch more flies with honey than vinegar”.
Author: Ben O'Brien
Every day as Lawyers we engage in conflict and for this reason it is important that we continue to monitor not only our mental health, but those of our colleagues.
Lawyers are more prone to poor mental health and burnout than many other industries because of the stressors and pressures associated with the work we undertake together with the long hours and tight deadlines.
Often as Lawyers, we take on our client’s matters, consuming ourselves with exceeding expectations, but forget to take care of our own mental health. It is important to be aware of the signs of trauma so that we can identify it in ourselves and our colleagues early on to avoid burnout and poor mental health. Some of the signs to look out for are as follows:
(a) Being unable to ‘switch off’ from work;(b) Feelings of doom and gloom when you think about work;(c) Questioning your own skills and competence; and(d) Being detached and insensitive to client’s needs.
If you or one of your colleagues are experiencing any of the above signs, it is important to enlist professional help early. Some coping strategies for someone experiencing poor mental health or burnout are as follows:
(e) Speaking with a professional at an early stage;(f) Talking to your colleagues to de-brief about matters that are concerning you;(g) Speaking with you Firm to assist with managing your workload if you are struggling;(h) Carefully managing boundaries between your work and home life so that you have a place of rest;(i) Taking frequent breaks (even if it is simply a weekend away);(j) Engaging in regular exercise and well-being activities;(k) Eating a well balanced diet;(l) Ensuring you get a good night’s sleep.
The GCDLA is focused on assisting Lawyers to manage their mental health and well-being by hosting various events such as Yoga which was held at the end of May 2024 and Wellness by the Water, which is coming up in October 2024. We also have a mentoring program which allows junior Lawyers to be supported by more senior Lawyers, so that they can seek assistance if they are struggling in any way.
Author: Ailsa Day
It is the bane of every employee, lawyer or recruiter’s existence when preparing employment advertisements. As they say, ‘the devil is in the detail’.
Attention to detail has been defined as thoroughness in accomplishing a task through concern for all the areas involved, no matter how small. We imagine you arere all familiar with the need for and the consequences of a lack of attention to detail. We don’t propose to go into that here.
But how do you improve your attention to detail?
Here are 4 practical tips to improve your attention to detail:
1. Read and re-check your documents - Sometimes the simplest solution is the most practical. There is no substitute for hard work and even in documents filed in Court, mistakes appear. Whilst there is no guarantee that reading it 5 times will make it perfect, the document is likely to be 40% better than after reading it 3 times.
2. Read the document you are referring to - Every time you refer to another document in your communications including emails, letters or submissions make sure to have it open in front of you. This should be applied vice versa as well, if your opposition refers to a document open it and have it in front of you. You will never misquote a document again and you will pick up every time your opponent does, which could make all the difference.
3. Look up the relevant section – Even if you have read it 50 times that day, can perfectly quote it, or you can see it when you close your eyes, still look up the section whenever you or another person refers to it. No one’s memory is perfect, and you will avoid silly mistakes in exchange for an extra 40 seconds of effort.
4. Double check the document you are enclosing - Open the document as it is attached to your email or before sending in a letter. A quick scroll through a document to be enclosed within a letter or attached to an email will pick up any formatting errors, subject line errors, lack of a signature and any one of 146 possible mistakes. Further, you can then be certain of what will be received.
Most of the time these things will not affect the outcome of a matter in the real sense but one day they may, and you will not find out until after the fact. Therefore, do not make the mistake of taking a short cut because it may save time. Your client will appreciate it being done right the first time, rather than there being a mistake that may not be found until it is too late.
A career in law is a marathon not a sprint. If you're interested in reading my ideas that might help you create a professional network to support your professional (and personal) wellbeing and development then read below.
Networking is not meant to be hard; it is meant to be enjoyable and beneficial. Think about who you are as a person and who you are as a lawyer, the 2 sets of values should align.
Create a profile so that people can find you and which you can use to connect to other people in the industry who you might want to connect with. It is important to update your profile as your career progresses and your objectives change. LinkedIn is an example of a platform that you can use to connect and share your journey as lawyer.
Build your community of people. Your community can be people you meet at events, where you volunteer and/or work colleagues. They might be podcasters, bloggers and writers of articles that interest you. Social media is great for making connections as you have access to a wide network of people at your fingertips.
Attending in person events is also important. These can be through local community groups, business forums and of course, your local District Law Association. Don’t be afraid to go alone, introduce yourself to the hosts and tell people that you are new to networking or that group. People will usually go out of their way to make you feel welcome.
Time is our most precious commodity. It is important to reflect on how much time you are spending at in person events and social media networking. Are you building relationships with people who you feel will support you and you can learn from? Do you need to consider expanding your network into other areas? If there is no group in your area maybe create one.
Finally, I suggest that you build your network before you need it.
African Proverb
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”
Author: Joelene Nel